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Forex Trading Course


You have just chosen to go through the best free FOREX Trading Course on the Net. You have taken a major step forward towards success and consistent profits. Trading FOREX is not easy and anyone that tells you otherwise is just after your hard earned money. Now, it doesn't need to be overly difficult or complex either as you will learn.

As I was developing this site I was thinking about how to get traders to understand the fundamental concepts about trading. I needed some kind of educational tool and I so created the three Pillars to Profits, which are:

The Right Trading System, i.e a validated Trading System that produces consistent profits
The Right Psychology, i.e a Psychology that supports your trading effort towards consistent profits
The Right Experience, i.e an Experience that promotes confidence in your Trading System

As we are all different, every trader's problem lies in a different area that can be put into one of the above three Pillars. The bigger the problem the larger the losses usually. Personally, I initially struggled with bad Psychology. Your problem might be elsewhere. This FOREX Trading Course contains all three Pillars to Profits, but since it is a mini-course we have put the focus on Trading System Development or the first Pillar of the three Pillars to Profits. I have tried to incorporate as much as I could regarding Trading Psychology. Trading Experience only you can accumulate.

In each Step I have included a Tip that I find important (highlighted in green) and also an Action Step for you to complete (highlighted in red). At the end of each page I have put a famous quote, not just any random quote, but rather a quote that can inspire you or for you to reflect over.

Trading the currency markets is not a Get-Rich-Quick scheme. However, if you do it the right way, you can be profitable within 3 to 6 months. Sounds like an eternity? Don't think this way! You just need to bring Mind and Motivation and I will guide you through the whole process as you read through my FOREX Trading Course. Any worthwhile endeavor takes time to master, FOREX Trading is no exception. If you have a problem with motivation, focus on the reason that brought you to FOREX Trading in the first place. Do this every time you feel overwhelmed.

Commit now to succeed.

This attitude will foster the Right Psychology for you to emerge as a successful FOREX Trader. I am a successful Trader, there is no reason why you cannot achieve the same success.

The 7 Step Method of my FOREX Trading Course looks like this:

  • Step 1: Basic Stuff
  • Step 2: Gain Knowledge
  • Step 3a: Develop a System Part 1
  • Step 3b: Develop a System Part 2
  • Step 4: Backtest and Validate
  • Step 5: Gain Trading Experience
  • Step 6: Improve through feedback
  • Step 7: Reap the ProfitsIn

Step 1 I will lead you through the first common pitfalls, like choosing the right broker and data feed. Step 2 is about the Technical and Fundamental Analysis of the FOREX Markets. In Step 3a and 3b we break down the Trading System development process and assemble a simple Trading System that we will then use in the succeeding Steps. We then backtest and validate the Trading System on historical data in Step 4. Step 5 allows us to check how well the Trading System holds up in real time trading. We then iron out some flaws in Step 6 and then get down to business in Step 7. Simple enough?

You can read through all the steps at once or take one step each day or week. By starting this FOREX Trading Course you are already way ahead of the others. Stay that way!

Don't forget: You need to add Mind and Motivation for this to work!

Tip: When reading this FOREX Trading Course it is advisable to first skim it through to get an overview. Then reread each Step several times, preferably some days in between, leaving your mind to digest it properly. In this way you will have better and smoother integration of your new knowledge.

Action Step: Think about why you want to become a trader. What is the real reason behind your quest? If it is superficial (for example “I want to become a trader so I can buy more stuff”) it will be difficult for you to succeed. You need a solid motivator that can keep you going until you have mastered it. Obstacles will come your way. Find the motivator that excites you most, the one that awakes the most passion in you. When you have decided, write it down and make a picture of it in your mind. When you encounter a setback in your trading, go back and reread what you wrote and re-imagine that picture. Stop trading for a couple of days so that the mind can reset itself. Don't be a quitter!

Go to Step 1 in this FOREX Trading Course.